Photo Book 《1.99》


In the dim cabin, time seemingly hit 6:00 on the phone. All of a sudden, this number became a pure figure. It did not signify, nor was it signified. It was merely an Arabic number up in the air. The sun outside the cabin window could no longer indicate dawn or Dusk. At this moment, it seemed I had lost something as well.
The sky here was very low, the ground rather flat, and between them a transparent interlayer
Yes, a transparent and polite interlayer
And also, a transparent smile
A transparent smile that could penetrate objects

In an unfamiliar environment, people are like animals and develop a new sensory system.
It was midnight. I was lying in bed and overheard people conversing in English outside the window. It was like back in my childhood I would lie in my bedroom, listening to the sound from the living room where my father was watching the HBO movie channel. Suddenly, I was confused, and could not tell where I exactly was.
During the day, the colors here were full of instructions and restrictions, and the whole city was like a manual. I was not sure if I was in a real city or a giant game field.

In the open space, there was a mass long placed in the dark corner shadow, a gravitational mass that made you stand still and gaze at it. It was black, enormous, and dry.
The movements and connection in all the open spaces constituted a mysterious attraction.
Come, come with me
Let me guide you, like pulling a person with shrinking muscles
Let us first stretch our body
You walk fast and well
Without asking directions and the meaning
Like a hunter in sleepwalking
Won’t stop until reaching the border Edges

One morning, I found a bag of green balloons on a street in Brooklyn. On the bag, a label, in the color of bright orange, read $1.99.

在教堂中拿的福音卡上印著 “跟我來” 的英文字樣,跟我來,雖然我們不知最終去向何處,但這種不斷重複、行走的狀態,恰恰與我創作的過程很相似。
When analyzing the inner heart or clarifying some naked feelings, it will arouse the original reaction, this is how I felt when I first confessed in church. I don’t believe in religion in any substantive way, but in this first confession I found the same state that I developed when I was shooting.
The Gospel card in the church I took is printed with the words "comewith me."
"Come with me" , although we don’t know where to end up, but this state of constant repetition and walking is very similar to the process of my creation.
Everyday, I march on the flat land, and in the process, I am not clear about what I am looking for, Until all kinds of open spaces and parking lots found me, and let me gaze at them, as well as the ubiquitous color signs.
Behind the high color sensory stimuli, it coincides with my experience of taking portraits of people on the street: enthusiastic, friendly and polite, but as the number increases, replacing this kind of friendly interaction is a huge mechanism behind the individual.
The individualized differences have almost disappeared, only avery small number of people's rejection experience that can feel I am interacting with a real person.
Most of these colors are pragmatic, the city becomes a huge playground, and individuals become roles. In a hastily moving and cordialinteraction, Forming a "shell" state, with a empty or suspended emotion, And these empty are projected precisely in those open spaces, The open space or parking lot that I met in the city, the huge emptiness it has attracted me.
It's emptiness comes from the psychological level of a feeling that people or vehicles stay on it for a short time and leavebecause of its functionality. And its significance is established only when it is used, and most of the time it becomes a neglected space, which has a lonely and stubborn temperament.
They seem to be waiting for a final rest or use, and carrying the part of the human being that cannot be explained inside.
紙張:150g 映畫藝術紙
尺寸:285 X 205 X 18 mm
版次:2019年3月第1版 2019年3月第1次印刷